I know some of you are thinking how are doing another hike already after Virgin Falls.
Well I wouldn't have it any other way. And the more hikes I get in the Better shape and the longer miles I'll be able to put in.

Someone mentioned wanting to get out and hike after our crazy Epic adventure last weekend. Ohhh Yes Now I remember It was Jack that Mentioned wanting to get out and hike since he missed the Virgin Falls hike. He had a good reason though broken rib...Can you say OUCH.
So lots of places were thrown around including some Polk county and Tellico Plains locations. But we finally Decided on Going to Cloudland Canyon State Park in GA. Kelli told us to be prepared to walk a lot of stairs. Now I will say this I prefer our crazy off trail bush wacking to climbing a bunch of stairs.
Its crazy how the stairs put me out of breath quicker then trail walking even with elevation change.
But anyway We planned on meeting early in the morning, not as early as our other hike.
The Weather was Starting to warm up after the freezing cold its been. So we weren't expecting to see any Ice, or If we did it would be very little.
Our Hiking Crew for this Trip was Jack If Jack don't have it then you probably dont need it, That man carries everything but the kitchen sink, John the energizer bunny He never stops, Dan Well what to say about dan. He has been known to say how do I let you guys talk me into these trips, Connie She is the wonderful lady that makes Hats for us to wear out in the crazy weather. She also love to hike with us and sometimes we use her as a model, And last but not least Kelli and the wonder Dog Ella. Wait .........I almost forgot we had another member join us who's name escapes me.

As we were standing by the cars talking waiting on Kelli and Ella to get there a hiker that had just come back up from the falls told us that there was still Ice on the Falls. Lets just say I was Very Excited! That meant another Waterfall down on my goal of 100 falls that are Frozen, Icy or have Snow.

The trail wasn't very long just a short trail and then a Flight of stairs. As we came to the bend before Cherokee falls came into view we noticed Ice still on the trail. Luckily nothing like the virgin falls trail but still had to watch our steps. When the Waterfall finally did come into view it was beautiful! Ice had collected from the mist on the right side of the falls. The left side has Icicles hanging off of it so all around it made for abundance of beautiful photographic opportunities. We all split off to claim spots! I had to do the traditional Selfie! But this time I jumped up on the rock ( Poor Dan I didn't see that was set up to shoot and I kinda photo bombed his picture Sorry man) It was quite comical watching me scramble onto this rock before the timer went off and my camera fired. After everyone got some shot in we made our way back up the stairs and to the next waterfall. Upon coming to the Bridge that would take us to the stairs to the other falls we discovered it was Iced Over! Jack, Kelli and I decided to go for it and see how icy it was. The rest of the crew (Chickens) Decided to stay behind an be our rescue party if need be.

The Bridge, Stairs and Trail where Solid sheets of Ice in Places. The Icicle along the side and sometimes over head were deadly beautiful. There were a few places that both Jack and I said be careful its slick and then we'd fall. Made for a comical experience once we realized we were not hurt ( Till the next morning anyway bruises ) Man I'm glad I took a chance on the Ice. The waterfall at the bottom was so worth it. The trail Forked when we got to the bottom Kelli decided to take the trail to the right ( We'd meet up with her later at the lower waterfall) and Jack and I took the left trail To see Hemlock Falls. The Trail was Very Icy and the Platform was a Solid Sheet of Ice, You probably could have Ice skated on it.

Slipping and sliding our way up on to the platform we got a beautiful view of Hemlock Falls. The entire left side was covered in frozen mist. As we carefully navigated the icy platform I keep thinking I wonder how long the trees and bushes will last with all the Ice weighing them down. It just so happens that as we were standing snapping pictures we heard a crash and one of the limbs off something came Crashing down. The way it echoed you would think the whole side was coming down. Very creepy but oh so Cool to hear and see. We didn't stay in that area to long after that, Better to be safe then sorry! Jack and I careful made the trek back down the icy platform stairs and then down the trail to meet back up with Kelli. By now we were sure The others we left at the top were yelling "IDIOTS" That seems to come out on the rough trail (off trails) we take. As we finished the trek to the trail that Kelli was on we notice that the Ice had melted off that trail. Made for an easier walk. We walked over a bridge and then down a flight of stairs and as we came to the bottom Ella came running. We noticed Kelli down the bank taking shots of the lower falls. We meet up and decided to walk a little further down the trail to see if there was anything interesting down that way before we made the long trek back to the top. We noticed on the left side a Beautiful waterfall unfortunately the trees were dence so taking a picture just didn't do it justice. And without bushwhacking there was just no way to get a good shot of the falls.

So we decided we were just to tired to make the trek up there and that we should probably head back up before they send the search party out there to find us..

When we did finally make it back to the top and we came around the bend and to where the tables were we heard them yell THEY LIVE!
We were sad that we had forgotten to take the group picture at the falls so we did one at the over look
I'll Have to find the group shot kelli Took of us.